I'm using this Python program to connect to a VPS and create a NAT tunnel.
My Home Windows PC <-- My Linux VPS <-- The internet
So now, even if my PC is behind a NAT, one can access the publicly exposed VPS and it will re-reoute the request to the Python script which will then re-reoute it to my home PC.
To launch the Python script on my home PC I use this simple batch file:
cd "%~dp0"
python.exe natsrv.py --mode client --secret hunter1 --local --admin myvps.ip.here:8999
This starts-up the Python script which never stops: it goes on indefinitely until I close the batch window. Very good.
Here's the problem: if the tunnel is unused for a few minutes, it silently stops serving requests. This won't stop the execution of the Python script, which will keep on going... it just stops working, but stays on.
I could fix this in the Python script but it's quite complicated and I don't want to mess with it: I want a much simpler solution.
The batch file should stop the execution of python.exe and start it again, every 5 minutes. How can I do this?
The SLEEP and GOTO commands or anything similar that I've tried, will wait before the Python script ends before being triggered!
I need to tell the batch script (or any entity controlling it) that python.exe must be stopped and restarted every 5 minutes, regardless of wether it's still running. Is it possible?
You can write a python script to run natsrv.py
with the same command line arguments as a child process. Terminate it after 5 minutes and repeat.
import subprocess as subp
import sys
import time
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
p = subp.Popen(["python.exe", "natsrv.py"] + sys.argv[1:])
and the command line is
cd "%~dp0"
python.exe mynatsrv.py --mode client --secret hunter1 --local --admin myvps.ip.here:8999