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Touch on ar Object in Ar.js

I have a question concerning touch detection on ar objects. I use A-Frame with Ar.js

In my Project, I have a globe which can be rotated. Now I wanna add country-specific "markers", which should also be objects.

I tried:

AFRAME.registerComponent('markerhandler', {

init: function() {
    const animatedMarker = document.querySelector("#hiro");
    const aEntity = document.querySelector("#globe");

    animatedMarker.addEventListener('click', function(ev, target){


But I just recognized the click event anywhere on the display ...

I also tried using a raycaster from a-frame, but also with no detection :(

Has anyone a better idea/reference projects?


  • Using a-frame versions earlier than 1.0.0, you can just do

    <a-marker cursor="rayOrigin: mouse">
         <a-box click-listener-component></a-box>
    <a-entity camera></a-camera>

    but since 1.0.0 it's not working, at least with the example from the docs.

    From what i've noticed, the raycaster direction is different when using a-frame 0.9.2 and 1.0.0. Weird thing is, when using vanilla a-frame (without ar.js), it seems to be working just fine. Looks like a ar.js thing.

    Anyway, if you substitute the cursors direction calculation with an older version of the THREE.Vector3 unproject:

    // instead of this:
    applyMatrix4( camera.projectionMatrixInverse ).applyMatrix4( camera.matrixWorld );
    // use this
    let matrix = new THREE.Matrix4()
    applyMatrix4( matrix.getInverse( camera.projectionMatrix ) ).applyMatrix4( camera.matrixWorld );

    The cursor component is working again. You can check it out in this glitch