I want to use GPT-2 to make a text classifier model. I am not really sure what head should I add after I extracted features through the GPT-2. for eample I have a sequence.
import pytorch_transformers as pt
import torch
'If a fire wanted fanning, it could readily be fanned with a newspaper, and as the government grew weaker, I have no doubt that leather and iron acquired durability in proportion, for, in a very short time, there was not a pair of bellows in all Rotterdam that ever stood in need of a stitch or required the assistance of a hammer.'
tokenizer = pt.GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
model = pt.GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2')
zz = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
tensor([[ 1532, 257, 2046, 2227, 4336, 768, 11, 340, 714, 14704,
307, 277, 3577, 351, 257, 7533, 11, 290, 355, 262,
1230, 6348, 17642, 11, 314, 423, 645, 4719, 326, 11620,
290, 6953, 9477, 26578, 287, 9823, 11, 329, 11, 287,
257, 845, 1790, 640, 11, 612, 373, 407, 257, 5166,
286, 8966, 1666, 287, 477, 18481, 353, 11043, 326, 1683,
6204, 287, 761, 286, 257, 24695, 393, 2672, 262, 6829,
286, 257, 15554, 13]])
torch.Size([1, 74, 768])
the output of GPT2 is n x m x 768 for me, which n is the batch size,m is the number of tokens in the seqence(for example I can pad/truncate to 128.), so I can not do what as the paper said for a classification task just add a fully connected layer in the tail.And I searched on google, few GPT-2 classification task is mensioned. I am not sure what is correct. Should I do flatten/max pooling/average pooling before the fully connected layer or something else?
" so I can not do what as the paper said for a classification task just add a fully connected layer in the tail." - This is the answer to your question.
Usually, transformers like BERT and Roberta, have bidirectional self-attention and they have the [CLS] token where we feed in to the classfier. Since GPT-2 is left-right you need to feed the final token of the embeddings sequence.
P.S - Can you put the link to the paper.