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DBPedia: trouble with dbo:region property

I am trying to collect all musicians who are active in the US from DBPedia using a SPARQL query. I have tried the following query but it returns an empty list:

PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT distinct ?person where {?person a dbo:MusicalArtist . ?person dbp:region "United States"} LIMIT 100

I'm not sure what is going wrong here. I've tried matching string values on other properties like foaf:name without any problems so I'm not sure why the "region" property isn't working.


  • Solved! Thanks to @UninformedUser in the comments above.

    We just have to specify the literal type for string matching.

    PREFIX dbp: <> 
    SELECT distinct ?person where {?person a dbo:MusicalArtist . ?person dbp:region "United States"^^rdf:langString} LIMIT 100