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IE11 iframe cached content has wrong encoding

I've got a webpage which dynamically embeds an iframe, which loads a JS file containing localization strings: the outer page has a content type of "Shift-JIS", but the inner frame (and the localization strings) are "utf-8". The structure is something like this:

    <meta charset="shift-JIS" >
    <iframe id="my-frame" src="my-frame.html">
            <meta charset="utf-8" />
            <script src="my-i18n.js" charset="utf-8" />

On initial render, the content displays correctly. But on reload, in Internet Explorer 11, if my-i18n.js is returned from IE's cache, the utf-8 encoded content is interpreted as shift-JIS encoded content, and is visually mangled.

It's only when IE returns the localization strings from cache. If I open the devtools and click "Always refresh from server" to disable the cache, it renders fine every time.

Is there any way to fix this, or work around it?


  • I unfortunately didn't find any way to fix this behavior - it appears to simply be an unfixed bug with IE.

    Instead, we converted our localization strings to not include unicode characters, replacing them with unicode escape sequences, via:

    const leftPad = str => ('0000' + str).slice(-4);
    const escapeUnicode = str => (
            .map(char => {
                const cp = char.codePointAt(0);
                if (cp < 128) return char; //Preserve ASCII characters
                return `\\u${leftPad(cp.toString(16).toUpperCase())}`;

    This avoids the whole issue of determining what encoding the files are in, because the whole file is ACSII.