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Is there a way to not show invite popups in conversejs when converse is initialized as singleton in embeded mode?

I am using conversejs as client for providing a multiuser chat embeded in an html page. User might be added to a lot of groups. When a user is chating in a group and gets invite to join another group a popup is shown to accept the invite, i do not want the user to see that invitation and rather user should stay in the same group that he has opened.

Given bellow is the initialization sample :

  authentication: 'login',
  credentials_url: '',
  auto_login: 'true',
  bosh_service_url: '',
  jid: ‘',
  keepalive: true,
  trusted: false,
  auto_reconnect: true,
  muc_nickname_from_jid: true,
  auto_join_rooms: [''],
  auto_focus: false,
  locked_muc_nickname: true,
  show_desktop_notifications: false,
  send_chat_state_notifications: false,
  blacklisted_plugins: [
  singleton: true,
  muc_show_join_leave: false,
  visible_toolbar_buttons: {
    call: false,
    spoiler: false,
    emoji: false,
    toggle_occupants: true
  notify_all_room_messages: false,
  notification_delay: 3000,
  allow_message_corrections: 'false',
  view_mode: 'embedded'
}).then(() => {   setTimeout(function(){   var toggleButton = document.getElementsByClassName('toggle-occupants fa fa-angle-double-right')[0]; if (toggleButton) {;"none"}},500);})


  • You can set allow_muc_invitations to false.