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Q:Apple Script:How to get IP address

I have been trying to make Apple Script check if the computer is connected to the internet by getting its IPv4 address. I have tried the following:

  1. tell application "system events" get IPv4 address

  2. system info IPv4 address


  • Try this out… this should work for you

        set theIP to do shell script "curl"
        set the clipboard to theIP
        display dialog "Your Current IP Address Is.." & linefeed & theIP & linefeed ¬
            & "It Has Been Copied To Your Clipboard" with icon 2 buttons ¬
            "OK" default button 1 with title "Your Current IP Address Is.." giving up after 10
    on error 
        display dialog "You Have No Internet Connection" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK"
    end try

    enter image description here