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How to Mock OleDbDataAdapter(query, connStr)

How can i mock OleDbDataAdapter(query, conn) in FilledDataInDataTable function? Can i? I have no idea how i do with dependency from query and connection string parameters.

Public Class DataTableOfDataFromExportCSV

   Private _adp As IOleDbDataAdapter

   Public Sub New(iadp As IOleDbDataAdapter)
       _adp = iadp
   End Sub

   Public Function FilledDataInDataTable(query As String, conStr As String) As DataTable

     Dim dt As New DataTable
     Dim adp = _adp.OleDbDataAdapter(query, conStr)

     Return dt

  End Function

End Class


Public Class MyOleDbDataAdapter
 Implements IOleDbDataAdapter

 Public Function OleDbDataAdapter(query As String, conn As String) As OleDbDataAdapter Implements IOleDbDataAdapter.OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(query, conn)
    Return adp

 End Function
End Class

My Interface

Public Interface IOleDbDataAdapter
   Function OleDbDataAdapter(query As String, conn As String) As OleDbDataAdapter
End Interface


  • How can I mock OleDbDataAdapter

    You can't because it is NotInheritable (sealed - c#).

    Public NotInheritable Class OleDbDataAdapter
    Inherits DbDataAdapter
    Implements ICloneable

    What we have here is a Leaky Abstraction.

    Expose only what is explicitly needed to perform the desired function.

    For example

    Public Interface IOleDbDataAdapter
       Function Fill(query As String, dataTable As DataTable) As Integer
    End Interface

    That way, implementation details/concerns like OleDbDataAdapter wont cause tight coupling.

    Public Class DataTableOfDataFromExportCSV
        Private adp As IOleDbDataAdapter
        Public Sub New(iadp As IOleDbDataAdapter)
            adp = iadp
        End Sub
        Public Function FilledDataInDataTable(query As String) As DataTable
            Dim dt As New DataTable
            adp.Fill(query, dt)
            Return dt
        End Function
    End Class

    Note the removal of runtime data that can be managed at the composition root when constructing your components' object graphs or after the component has already been constructed.