I want to implement web push notification in my application, however I'm stuck at very simple problem: is there anywhere on the internet resource which would give me complete table for characters limits in web push notification for notification title and body for different browsers/operating systems (I'm interested in Android/Windows 10/macOS and Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge, Opera and Yandex browsers)? I've spend quite a lot of time looking over various pages on the internet, however data I encountered there was either incomplete or not up to date or event mutually exclusive between various resources.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You don't find any information, because the standard doesn't set a limit.
The text, when too long, is automatically truncated by the browser. The actual limit depends on many variables: the OS, the browser, the layout, the presence of notification fields like images and action buttons.
The only actual limit is the total payload (which includes all fields and the JSON): you should stay below 3kB.
Update: I have made some research for you on the practical limits for each browser and published the results in this blog post.