I have a very old VB6 application and I am using the Package and Development Wizard to make the setup file. The error occurred when I run the app:
I did some googling and I tried below solutions but none of them works:
Below is the log file during installation:
%% This file contains information about the installation of an application. %%
%% It will be used to automatically remove all application components from your computer if you choose to do so. %%
NOTE: Beginning of the bootstrapper section
CONFIG: Title: "CCI Manager"
ACTION: RegKey: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "SharedDLLs"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msvbvm60.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msvbvm60.dll"
NOTE: End of the bootstrapper section
NOTE: Now spawning the main Setup program 'Setup1.exe'....
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\RDOCURS.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSRDO20.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\SoftekBarcode.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\Code39draw.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSMAPI32.OCX"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSSTDFMT.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSADODC.OCX"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSINET.OCX"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\tdbgpp.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\todgub6.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\todg6.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\adbapx.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\imgedit.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\comctl32.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\ImageMagickObject.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\adbactvx.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSBIND.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSVCRT.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\tibase6.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\tishare6.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\titime6.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\tidate6.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\titext6.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Designer\MSDERUN.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\tinumbl6.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\VB5DB.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\msrepl35.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSRD2X35.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\expsrv.dll"
(File was not found or was an older version -- new file copied)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\vbajet32.dll"
(File was not found or was an older version -- new file copied)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSJINT35.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\MSJTER35.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SystemFile: "C:\Windows\System32\msjet35.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO2535.TLB"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\xarraydb.ocx"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\psapi.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: SharedFile: "C:\Windows\System32\adbapi.dll"
(File currently on disk was already up to date)
ACTION: PrivateFile: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCI Manager\CCI Manager.exe"
(File was not found or was an older version -- new file copied)
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSRDO20.DLL"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\SoftekBarcode.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\Code39draw.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSMAPI32.OCX"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSSTDFMT.DLL"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSADODC.OCX"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSINET.OCX"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\todgub6.dll"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\todg6.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\adbapx.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\imgedit.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\comctl32.ocx"
*** ERROR: LoadLibrary() failed while registering file 'C:\Windows\System32\ImageMagickObject.dll'
*** DURING THIS ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\ImageMagickObject.dll"
*** ERROR: An error occurred while registering the file 'C:\Windows\System32\ImageMagickObject.dll'
*** ERROR: (User Responded with 'Ignore')
*** DURING THIS ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\ImageMagickObject.dll"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\adbactvx.dll"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSBIND.DLL"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\tishare6.dll"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\titime6.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\tidate6.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\titext6.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Designer\MSDERUN.DLL"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\tinumbl6.ocx"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\MSRD2X35.DLL"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\msjet35.dll"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL"
ACTION: TLBRegister: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO2535.TLB"
ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\Windows\System32\xarraydb.ocx"
ACTION: ShellLink: "CCI Manager", "CCI Manager"
ACTION: RegKey: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "App Paths\CCI Manager.exe"
ACTION: RegValue: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CCI Manager.exe", ""
The imageMagick issue can be ignored. And to be noticed, this app was working really good on win10 during the last 3 months, but suddenly, the help desk told me the setup file is not working. I have this app installed already on my machine and I did another installation on my machine, the issue has been replicated. I tried open the app on user's PC without re-install, it is working.
It seems like the setup file caused the issue. I also tried the setup file on below system:
The interesting thing is that every time I try to make a setup package by using PDW, it says dll are missing. And I checked the references, they are there. And I also add these references again, but the PDW still shown the same warning.
Please help on this cause I really do not have these knowledge to solve the issue. Or may be other method I can try that I do not know, thanks in advance.
All the solutions are correct and worth to try. But I just solved my issue by using my solution.
Whenever our IT support team install the WIN10 to a new PC, the WIN10 install packaged they were using has the old version of dlls. But when I create setup package, the dlls I referenced are newer version. I copied the dlls that have newer version to the new PC (WIN10 PC). I listed below dlls I copied:
I copied the above dll/ocx files to the SysWOW64 and replaced the old one. This solved my issue.