I am trying to add padding to the left of radio button. But the padding is actually added between the drawable and text.
What i get: Space between drawable and text
What i want: Space to the left of drawable
My method for creating radio button:
private RadioButton createRadioButton(String text) {
RadioButton btn = new RadioButton(requireContext());
btn.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 16);
int pxHorizontal = Utils.convertDpToPx(requireContext(), 24);
int pxVertical = Utils.convertDpToPx(requireContext(), 16);
btn.setPadding(pxHorizontal, pxVertical, pxHorizontal, pxVertical);
btn.setLayoutParams(new RadioGroup.LayoutParams(
return btn;
Is there a way how to add padding to the left of the radio button?
RadioButton is a subclass of CompundButton, so we get drawable on the compound button and add inset to it.
val compoundButtonDrawable = CompoundButtonCompat.getButtonDrawable(radioButton1)
val insetDrawable = InsetDrawable(compoundButtonDrawable, 32, 0, 0, 0)
radioButton1.buttonDrawable = insetDrawable