I know the syntax to insert a document in to Couchbase using a n1ql INSERT statement if the values are single values:
INSERT INTO `travel-sample` ( KEY, VALUE )
{ "id": "01", "type": "airline"}
RETURNING META().id as docid, *;
But what if one of the values is an array of strings, what is the syntax for that? I haven't been able to find an example any where on the couchbase website or anywhere else.
There syntax for array is same as JSON syntax
reviews field is ARRAY of strings
INSERT INTO `travel-sample` ( KEY, VALUE ) VALUES (
"k001", { "id": "01", "type": "airline", "reviews": ["xyz", "abc"] });
Document it self is ARRAY not a OBJECT
INSERT INTO `travel-sample` ( KEY, VALUE ) VALUES (
"k002", ["xyz", "abc"]);