I have this code:
select eto.id,( epe.surname || ' ' || epe.name || ' ' || epe.patronymic) fio
from employee_trip_orders eto
left join employee_card_order_links ecol
on eto.id = ecol.trip_order_id
left join employee_trip_cards etc
on ecol.trip_card_id = etc.employee_trip_card_id
left join eip_persons.employees epe
on etc.employee_id = epe.employee_id
where eto.id=2223
order by eto.id
and result of executing this code
id fio
2223 John Smith Brown
2223 Jack Orange Apple
2223 Jordan Stinky Tomato
I would like to transform this into single row with comma separators
id fio
2223 | John Smith Brown,
| Jack Orange Apple,
| Jordan Stinky Tomato
How can i achieve this without using external functions, group by and agregate functions? Thanks
You can do it using connect by
query, but it is slower and more complicated than simple listagg()
select id, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(fio, ', '), ', ') names
from (select row_number() over (partition by id order by fio) rn, id, fio from t)
where connect_by_isleaf = 1
connect by id = prior id and rn = prior rn + 1
start with rn = 1