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How can I turn a list of strings into LIKE clauses in a Room Query?

I have a table called games that has a column called platforms, which contains a list of platform abbreviations. This is a list of all the platforms that specific game came out on. Here's an example of one of the cells in platforms:


The user can choose any number of platforms they wish to view games for. For example, they may choose to see games for the following platforms:


So I need a way to programmatically construct a Room query that would find games in the selected platforms. I need to somehow generate an arbitrary number of LIKE clauses and inject them into the query. I tried the following, but it returned no results:

private fun fetchLikeClauses(platformIndices: MutableSet<Int>): String {
    val sb = StringBuilder()

    // Game.platforms LIKE '%XONE%' OR Game.platforms LIKE '%PC%'

    for (platformIndex in platformIndices) {
        sb.append("platforms LIKE '%${allPlatforms[platformIndex].abbreviation}%'")
        sb.append(" OR ")
    return sb.toString().removeSuffix(" OR ")

@Query("SELECT * FROM Game WHERE :likeClauses")
fun getGames(likeClauses: String): DataSource.Factory<Int, Game>

Here's another thing I tried, but it didn't work for some reason: Passing in a string to use as part of a Room query

I'm guessing RawQuery would work for this? Is there another way though?


  • You can use @RawQuery and build SimpleSQLiteQuery dynamically:

    In dao:

    @RawQuery(observedEntities = [Game::class])
    fun getGames(query: SupportSQLiteQuery): DataSource.Factory<Int, Game>

    Here buildFinalQuery function:

    fun buildFinalQuery(platforms: List<String>): SimpleSQLiteQuery {
        val selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM Game"
        val finalQuery = selectQuery + platforms.joinToString(prefix = " WHERE ", separator = " OR ") {
            "Game.platforms LIKE '%$it%'"
        return SimpleSQLiteQuery(finalQuery)
    val query = buildFinalQuery("SNES", "MAC", "PC")