I have a dataframe in 1 column with all different times.
I need to do a quantile range on this dataframe with the code below:
Following the link below, the quantile does work. https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.quantile.html
As my column as in object, I need to convert to pd.datetime or pd.Timestamp. When I convert to pd.datetime, I will have all my time inserted with dates too. If I format it to %H:%M, the column turns back to object which cannot work with quantile under numeric_only mode.
How can I convert to datetime format in %H:%M and still stick to datetime format?
Below was the code I used:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Time":["10:10","09:10","12:00","13:23","15:23","17:00","17:30"]})
df['Time2'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time']).dt.strftime('%H:%M')
df['Time2'] = df['Time2'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
How can I convert to datetime format in %H:%M and still stick to datetime format?
Impossible in pandas, maybe closer is use timedelta
df = pd.DataFrame({"Time":["10:10","09:10","12:00","13:23","15:23","17:00","17:30"]})
df['Time2'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['Time'].add(':00'))
print (df)
Time Time2
0 10:10 10:10:00
1 09:10 09:10:00
2 12:00 12:00:00
3 13:23 13:23:00
4 15:23 15:23:00
5 17:00 17:00:00
6 17:30 17:30:00