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attributed string issue in iOS 13

I am using below extension to convert HTML string to attributed string, to render the attributed string I am using UILabel. Font family is system-regular with points 15/18 for iPhone/iPad resp. In above Imgs, Description is the caption and attributed string is the value.

extension NSAttributedString {

    internal convenience init?(html: String, font : UIFont) {

        let modifiedFont = String(format:"<span style=\"font-family: '-apple-system', '\(font.fontName)'; font-size: \(font.pointSize)\">%@</span>", html)

        guard let data = String.Encoding.utf16, allowLossyConversion: false) else {
            return nil

        guard let attributedString = try? NSMutableAttributedString(data: data, options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html], documentAttributes: nil) else {
            return nil

        self.init(attributedString: attributedString)

console print of variables in above extension

(lldb) po html
"<p><font size=\"2\">Pack Size: 2.5 Gal x 2</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">Gallons per case / bucket / barrel:</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">1 Case – 5.0 Gal<br>&nbsp;2 Cases – 10.0 Gal<br>&nbsp;3 Cases – 15.0 Gal</font></p>"

(lldb) po font
<UICTFont: 0x7ffbe4b03a20> font-family: ".SFUI-Regular"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 15.00pt

(lldb) po modifiedFont
"<span style=\"font-family: \'-apple-system\', \'.SFUI-Regular\'; font-size: 15.0\"><p><font size=\"2\">Pack Size: 2.5 Gal x 2</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">Gallons per case / bucket / barrel:</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">1 Case – 5.0 Gal<br>&nbsp;2 Cases – 10.0 Gal<br>&nbsp;3 Cases – 15.0 Gal</font></p></span>"

I am calling extension like below

self.lblValueDescription.attributedText = NSAttributedString(html: data.descriptionField,
                                                                     font: self.lblValueDescription.font)

Output in iOS 12

enter image description here

Output in iOS 13

enter image description here


  1. Font size is not same as expected in iOS12
  2. iOS13 have some alien characters with same html string.


  • Try this Solutions its working on Both ios 12 and 13 on my side may be its help you.

    extension String
     func htmlAttributed(family: String?, size: CGFloat, colorHex: String) -> NSAttributedString?
        do {
            let htmlCSSString = "<style>" +
                "html *" +
                "{" +
                "font-size: \(size)pt !important;" +
                 "color: " + "\(colorHex)" + " !important;" +
                "font-family: \(family ?? "Helvetica"), Helvetica !important;" +
            "}</style> \(self)"
            guard let data = String.Encoding.utf8) else {
                return nil
            return try NSAttributedString(data: data,
                                          options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html,
                                                    .characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue],
                                          documentAttributes: nil)
        } catch {
            print("error: ", error)
            return nil

    And Set Text by this line

     self.lblValueDescription.attributedText = yourHtmlString.htmlAttributed(family: "Roboto-Regular", size: 11,colorHex: "#000000")!


    After Reviewing answer I made below changed

     let modifiedFont = String(format:"<style>html *{font-family: '-apple-system', '\(font.fontName)' !important; font-size: \(font.pointSize) !important}</style>%@", html)
    • Modify style tag with the style block
    • !important flag added to forcily applying the style.