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odoo Inheriting Product Template using delegation, need to change default value for categ_id on form

Inheriting by delegation product template. On a form view, I am placing the field categ_id. This is defaulting to 'All' and I would like it to point to a different category by default. I have tried the following,

<field name="categ_id" domain="[('name', '=', 'Paper')]"/>

which successfully filters the drop down list to just the category I want, but 'All' still shows as default.

Next I tried placing the context in the window action and the field with variations like


In the field categ_id definition, default=the _get_default_category_id is the issue from the debugger. It is bypassing the following line,

return self._context.get('categ_id') or self._context.get('default_categ_id')

Book says access to the inherited model are not made available in the new model? So I also tried overriding the function, and it did not work (is this even possible since this is delegation?)

Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks!


  • Please note that the field categ id has default function running in the base. You can change the

    categ_id = fields.Many2one(
        'product.category', 'Internal Category',
        change_default=True, default=_get_default_category_custom,
        required=True, help="Select category for the current product")

    Please write the _get_default_category_custom function as you wish. That is to assign category as paper.