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Maven failsafe is not complaining that an inexistent profile was specified

I have two profiles in my pom:



I can trigger each of these two profiles like this:

 mvn failsafe:integration-test -Pfunctional-tests

 mvn failsafe:integration-test -Pit-tests

But when I run this:

 mvn failsafe:integration-test -PrandomWord

It triggers it-tests profile. I was wondering why and if there is a way to have failsafe plugin output something like unrecognised profile.

Thank you for your help

In case it matters, here is my failsafe-plugin:



  • Answering your question about why it triggers it-tests. In fact, it does not activate any of the profiles, hence default plugin configuration is used which has **/* in include list. So, it runs all IT tests by default.

    This is weird approach to manage plugin executions by profiles. I doubt there is a reasonable way to validate profile names as you describe. I would recommend another approach here.

    Approach 1. Use <id> and cli with @

    You could just specify two executions of the plugin with id and then you could do this: How to execute maven plugin execution directly from command line?

                <phase>none</phase> <!-- detach this execution from default lifecycle -->
                <phase>none</phase> <!-- detach this execution from default lifecycle -->

    Now you could execute it from command line:

    mvn failsafe:integration-test@it-tests
    mvn failsafe:integration-test@functional-tests

    Update: No need to specify goals as it is relevant to lifecycle only, we type it in command line anyway.

    Approach 2. Use <skip> and properties

    Keep both executions as a part of lifecycle but control execution by providing skip flags. I.e. define two properties e.g., skip.tests.ft=true and add <skip>${skip.tests.ft}</skip> to relevant configuration sections. Then you could just do

    # run with no tests by default
    mvn verify 
    # run with only FT
    mvn verify -Dskip.tests.ft=false 
    # run with all tests
    mvn verify -Dskip.tests.ft=false

    to run full lifecycle together with desired tests.