Considering the following :
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data Typex = Typex
{ _level :: Int
, _coordinate :: (Int, Int)
, _connections :: [(Int,(Int,Int))]
} deriving Show
makeLenses ''Typex
initTypexLevel :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Typex]
initTypexLevel a b c = [ Typex a (x, y) [(0,(0,0))]
| x <- [0..b], y <- [0..c]
buildNestedTypexs :: [(Int, Int)] -> [[Typex]]
buildNestedTypexs pts
= setConnections [ initTypexLevel i y y
| (i,(_,y)) <- zip [0..] pts
setConnections :: [[Typex]] -> [[Typex]]
setConnections = ?
How can I uses lenses to modify the connections
in allTypex
s with a function of type [[Typex]] -> [[Typex]]
in such a way that in each Typex
connections = [(level of Typex being modified +1, (x, y))] where
x,y = 0..(length of next [Typex] in [[Typex]])/2
X and y both need to go through that length of the next [Typex]. The final [Typex] should be left unchanged if possible. So all the connections of each Typex in the same [Typex] are the same.
Output for setConnections $ buildNestedTypexs [(0,1),(1,1)]
should be:
[ [ Typex { _level = 0
, _coordinate = (0,0)
, _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
, Typex { _level = 0
, _coordinate = (0,1)
, _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
, Typex { _level = 0
, _coordinate = (1,0)
, _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
, Typex { _level = 0
, _coordinate = (1,1)
, _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
,[ Typex { _level = 1
, _coordinate = (0,0)
, _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
, Typex { _level = 1
, _coordinate = (0,1)
, _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
, Typex { _level = 1
, _coordinate = (1,0)
, _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
, Typex { _level = 1
, _coordinate = (1,1)
, _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
I suppose I'll need to import Control.Lens.Indexed
but that's about it so all help is appreciated.
Is this what you want?
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
setConnections :: [[Typex]] -> [[Typex]]
setConnections (x:rest@(y:_)) = map (connect y) x : setConnections rest
where connect :: [Typex] -> Typex -> Typex
connect txs tx
= tx & connections .~ (map ((tx ^. level) + 1,) $ txs ^.. traverse.coordinate)
setConnections lst = lst
This isn't a pure lens solution, but I find that as a general rule when working with lenses, it's not always a good idea to get the lenses to do everything. It just makes things difficult to write and hard to understand.
Here, I've used "plain Haskell" in a lot of places: to pattern matching with a manual recursion to process pairs x
of consecutive [Typex]
s and I've used map
to connect
each Typex
in the first x :: [Typex]
with the second y :: [Typex]
. I've also used map
to add the new level to the coordinate list to generate the new connections
The only lens expressions used here are:
tx & connections .~ (...)
which replaces the connections
field of tx :: Typex
with a new valuetx ^. level
which fetches the level of the current tx :: Typex
txs ^.. traverse.coordinate
which fetches the coordinate
fields of all Typex
values in the list txs :: [Typex]
and returns them as a list [(Int,Int)]
In my opinion, this sort of balance between lenses and "plain Haskell" is the best way of dealing with complex transformations.