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Random noise for GAN

I am new to GAN. I am learning to model GAN to generate images,however I don't really understand what exactly is the random noise given to the generator. Is it random numbers from 0 to 1 and what should be its size. Also should the random noise be constant every time the generator run?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Random noise is a feature vector, unique for every image

    Let's consider noise vector of 128

    For now just focus on 1st entry from vector let's consider it is for length of hairs on head

    From training images model has learnt that for bald the value is=0 and for long hair value=1, by selecting random number from 0 to 1 decides amount of hairs. so model can generate persons of different hair length

    In this way all 128 entries in random noise will decide one factor of human face

    That's why every time choosing random noise will generate new person image

    If you use random noise same every then model will generate same image

    I hope you understood how GAN works.