supposed we have global CryptoPP::ECIES<CryptoPP::ECP>::PrivateKey mykey
initialized object
,and have 10 threads that run CryptoPP::ECIES<CryptoPP::ECP>::Encryptor myencrypto(mykey)
for making a encryptor object by assigning key from mykey object
the assigner takes mykey as reference
do i need a Mutex to make sure that only one thread uses mykey at a time , or multi threads can assign enryptor from key object simultaneously without any problem (if yes , is that guaranteed)
(please note that threads only assign from the mykey simultaneously none of them modify it(my code doesn't don't know if the cryptoPP assigner does ))
After not receiving an answer i picked the mutex locks from my code and tested a few time when PrivateKey object was used simultaneously by multi thread for initializing mutli encryptors
i was getting a assert at intger.cpp (cryptoPP lib source file) at line 2910
tested about 10 times ,and go the same assert , putted the mutex locks again and the assert was gone (in release mood i was getting 0xc000005 (access denied) at ntdll.dll because HeapFree() fucntion were being called with wrong argument