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Table from HTTP responseText VBA Excel

I am working with VBA and trying to create a table from a response test using HTTP request. Here is my code:

Set hReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    With hReq
        .Open "GET", "", False
    End With

If one navigated to the URL, the only item on the page is a CSV response that looks like this:

name,ID,job,sector johndoe,1234,creator,sector1 janedoe,5678,worker,sector2

This translates to a table with 4 columns named "name", "ID", "job", and "sector". I am pretty new to VBA and I am struggling to understand how to translate the response text into a table. But I need to get this into tabular form so I can work with the column variables. I can get the response text into a single cell:

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = hReq.responseText

However, I can't get the table into tabular format so I can begin working with it as I would a table. It would be great to get the data into an array in memory so that I could manipulate and analyze it using VBA, but for troubleshooting purposes, it would also be helpful to get it into an Excel Worksheet, so I can double-check my programming.


  • This loops through your header request and posts to your preferred sheet:

    Sub test()
        Dim RespArray() As String
        Dim RespArray2() As String
        Dim i, i2 As Long
        Set hReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        With hReq
            .Open "GET", "", False
        End With
        ' split the data into larger pieces
        RespArray() = Split(hReq.responseText, " ")
        ' loop through first array to break it down line by line
        For i = LBound(RespArray) To UBound(RespArray)
            ' split each line into individual pieces
            RespArray2() = Split(RespArray(i), ",")
            ' loop through second array and add to Sheet1
            For i2 = LBound(RespArray2) To UBound(RespArray2)
              Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i + 1, i2 + 1).Value = RespArray2(i2)
            Next i2
        Next i
    End Sub

    Results in

    enter image description here