I want to implement the virtual machine migration time formula in cloud sim, and i made a simple method but it gave me wrong results, the problem is that i need the list of migrated virtual machines in the simulation so i can get to calculate and print the total migration time in the end, please if you have any idea help me !
public static double getTotalMigrationTime(List<Vm> vms){
double Tmigr = 0;
for(Vm vm:vms){
double Cj = vm.getRam();
double BWj = vm.getBw();
Tmigr += Cj/BWj;
return Tmigr;
you have to add the migration and energy formula in the PowerDatacenter class, more precisely in the updateCloudletProcessing method, and also add a set and get method without forgetting a local variable in the class to save the migration time and energy in it.
// Migration Time
public double Tmigr = 0;
// Migration Energy
public double Emigr;
protected void updateCloudletProcessing() {
if (getCloudletSubmitted() == -1 || getCloudletSubmitted() == CloudSim.clock()) {
CloudSim.cancelAll(getId(), new PredicateType(CloudSimTags.VM_DATACENTER_EVENT));
schedule(getId(), getSchedulingInterval(), CloudSimTags.VM_DATACENTER_EVENT);
double currentTime = CloudSim.clock();
double Pm = 4.5;
double sum = 0;
// if some time passed since last processing
if (currentTime > getLastProcessTime()) {
System.out.print(currentTime + " ");
double minTime = updateCloudetProcessingWithoutSchedulingFutureEventsForce();
if (!isDisableMigrations()) {
List<Map<String, Object>> migrationMap = getVmAllocationPolicy().optimizeAllocation(
if (migrationMap != null) {
for (Map<String, Object> migrate : migrationMap) {
Vm vm = (Vm) migrate.get("vm");
PowerHost targetHost = (PowerHost) migrate.get("host");
PowerHost oldHost = (PowerHost) vm.getHost();
// Calculates migration time and energy
double Cj = vm.getRam();
double BWj = (double)targetHost.getBw()/(2*8000);
Tmigr = Tmigr + Cj/BWj; // Time
sum = sum + Pm*(Cj/BWj);
Emigr = 4*sum; //energy
if (oldHost == null) {
"%.2f: Migration of VM #%d to Host #%d is started",
} else {
"%.2f: Migration of VM #%d from Host #%d to Host #%d is started",
/** VM migration delay = RAM / bandwidth **/
// we use BW / 2 to model BW available for migration purposes, the other
// half of BW is for VM communication
// around 16 seconds for 1024 MB using 1 Gbit/s network
vm.getRam() / ((double) targetHost.getBw() / (2 * 8000)),
// schedules an event to the next time
if (minTime != Double.MAX_VALUE) {
CloudSim.cancelAll(getId(), new PredicateType(CloudSimTags.VM_DATACENTER_EVENT));
send(getId(), getSchedulingInterval(), CloudSimTags.VM_DATACENTER_EVENT);
setMigrationTime(Tmigr); // Update Total Migration Time
setMigrationEnergy(Emigr); // Update Total Migration Energy
// sets migration time
public void setMigrationTime(double Tm){
Tmigr = Tm;
//gets migration time
public double getMigrationTime(){
return Tmigr;
//sets migration Energy
public void setMigrationEnergy(double Em){
Emigr = Em;
//gets total migration energy
public double getMigrationEnergy(){
return Emigr;
After that you can get the migration time and energy using the get methods and print them in the Helper Class, without forgetting to transform the energy to KWh.
//get Migration Time and energy from PowerDatacenter class
double Tmigr = datacenter.getMigrationTime();
double Emigr = datacenter.getMigrationEnergy()/(3600*1000);
Log.printLine(String.format("Migration Time : %.2f sec",Tmigr));
Log.printLine(String.format("Migration Energy : %.5f kWh",Emigr));