I am trying to run postman tests on Teamcity server. I followed this link for setup https://medium.com/@vdespa/how-to-run-postman-newman-tests-in-teamcity-9d767c7de542 Although I have installed node, npm and newman -g. When I run from TeamCity Command line build step it doesn't recognize newman command
As you can see in the step 2, I am just running the command $ newman --version ,but it is exited with code 0. Probably, it is not able to find where newman is installed? I also tried this $setx /M PATH %AppData%\npm but still doesn't work
Any help would be appreciated? @Valentin Despa
I was able to resolve the issue by installing newman in C:\npm folder instead of under any system folder. Also before I wasn't resetting the npm Config to default which I did this time. I am able to run my tests now.
Detailed Steps to install nodejs, npm and newman on teamcity server
Login to TeamCity Server
Download the Nodejs
Install Nodejs (C:\ProgramFiles\nodejs)
Open Command prompt as run as Administrator
type node -v (should return node version)
type npm - v (should return npm version)
type npm prefix -g (usually it defaults to user folder and returns
C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\npm )
Note the current global prefix
Set the global prefix to by running this on cmd: npm config set prefix C:\npm
Install the needed packages by running this on cmd: npm install -g newman
Restore the prefix to the previous value by running this on cmd: npm config set prefix C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\npm
Open System Environment variables
Edit environment variables and make sure this added to Path: C:\npm
Also additionally you can check under user variables for user1 Path
is set to for npm: C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\npm
Now restart the windows server machine
After that, from the Teamcity web interface, restart the teamcity
You should have running newman on your teamcity server on cmd prompt as well as build steps