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How can I export a Laradock project to be installed in another machine with no internet?

How can I export a Laradock project to be installed in another machine with no internet?

I've tried the docker save command but no luck yet, can someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you


  • I finally found the answer, this is the command I had to run:

    docker save -o server.tar laradock_nginx laradock_php-fpm laradock_workspace laradock_mysql docker:19.03-dind

    The way I got those imagines names is by booting up Laradock and the checking the active images with the command docker ps

    Then on the computer with no internet, I loaded the server.tar with this command docker load -i server.tar

    Next, I went to the Laradock folder inside my Laravel project and run docker-compose up -d nginx mysql and it worked like a charm.