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How to export DWG from RVT file with Forge Design Automation

I am still new to Forge Development and followed all samples in the What I want to achieve is export DWG from a RVT file. I did and achieved this in IExternalDBApplication with local Revit.exe. When I try to this on FORGE, I get this error:

湥整楲杮映湩獩偨慬批捡⸮搠獥牴祯洠偟慬批捡卫慴整਍਍潣瑮湩極杮映湩獩偨慬批捡⸮搠獥牴祯挠污卬牴慥⡭ഩഊ攊楸整⁤楦楮桳汐祡慢正਍਍RESULT: Failure - Result of running user app is failure

This is the result

App can be found here

I am trying input a *.RVT file and get a *.zip file with exported dwgs. I set zip=true in output

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks for all help.


  • It needs permission to access

    Could you provide report.log and how your activity is defined? Thanks