I create an SKShapeNode
in SpriteKit's
and it works exactly as I want it to. My only concern is that update
is called every tenth of a second. Does that mean that my code is also run that often? That doesn't seem very performance friendly. Is there a way around it? Or is it fine having the code on update
Why is the code in update
in the first place you might ask. Well if I put it in didMove
or sceneDidLoad
then when I rotate the device
the node
doesn't follow along instantly, it remains in its old place for half a second before relocating to its new position, making it look like it jumps. Bad. Update
solves this. Here's the code:
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
let mySquare = SKShapeNode(rectOf: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
mySquare.fillColor = SKColor.blue
mySquare.lineWidth = 1
mySquare.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
Yes you can create. the only issue you have is it's creating a new node each time update is called. At the moment you can not see multiple nodes because you're positioning them on top of each other if you try to change the position of mySquare on each update call you will see that you have multiple nodes. created which is not effective soon you will run out of frame rates. as you don't have any animations on going you don't see the difference now.
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
let mySquare = SKShapeNode(rectOf: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
mySquare.fillColor = SKColor.blue
mySquare.lineWidth = 1
mySquare.position = CGPoint(x: randomX, y: randomY)
changing the position of the X and Y will give you the chance to see the nodes being added to different position on the screen.
if for any reason you want to create your mySquare node in the update then you can keep a reference for the node or search the node in the parent node if it's available then don't add any
var mySquare: SKShapeNode
Then in the update check if your Square node is not nil or has the same
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
if mySquire == nil {
mySquare = SKShapeNode(rectOf: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
mySquire.name = "your square name"
mySquare.fillColor = SKColor.blue
mySquare.lineWidth = 1
mySquare.position = CGPoint(x: randomX, y: randomY)
Note: you can even check for the name like
if mySquare.name == "your square name"
then don't add it any more