I'm refactoring a Flutter app for readability, and decided to reduce duplication by moving repeated calls to wrap a widget with Padding by extracting a method. The method looks like this:
Padding _wrapWithPadding(Widget widget, {double horizontal = 8.0, double vertical = 0.0}) {
return const Padding(padding:
EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: horizontal, vertical: vertical),
child: widget);
The Dart compiler complains that horizontal, vertical, and widget arguments are not const on the call to the Padding constructor. I understand the problem, but surely there is a way to accomplish removing the duplication of creating a Padding element over and over again?
Is there someway to get the compiler to treat those values as const, or is there another way to accomplish my goal?
This is not feasible with a function.
You can, on the other hand, use a StatelessWidget
class MyPadding extends StatelessWidget {
const MyPadding(
this.widget, {
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
final Widget widget;
final double horizontal;
final double vertical;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: horizontal ?? 8, vertical: vertical ?? .0),
child: widget,