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Oracle Reports: How to Get Image - that I Inserted It - Under A Repeating Frame?
I inserted an image(B_3) to my report. How can I get this image under repeating frame (R_1)?
image should be a little bit
than the frame
paint the frame white or yellow or some similar color (so that it is clearly visible on the screen)
make the frame surround the image, i.e. the image should - visibly - be placed "inside" the frame
select the frame in Paper Layout editor (click on it)
go to the
menu and use:
send to back if this frame should be the "last" - this is usually used for the outmost frame, or
move backward - you might need to repeat this action several times, depending on how many "steps" (
) separate image and frame
you're done once you see the image "above" the frame
remove frame fill color
Shapiro-Wilk test
How is Oracle's JDBC query timeout implemented?
Performance tuning Oracle query with REGEXP_REPLACE that runs for ~12 min
Regular Expression (RegEx) for IPv6 Separate from IPv4
Drop Column from Selection After Join
Improve Performance of Multi Thread Inserts
Create a column that assigns a date column to current month, next month, two months, keeping the year in mind. Using SQL in Toad for Oracle
Update multiple columns based on values of another table in stored procedure
Oracle APEX apex_data_parser execution time explodes for big files
apex_data_parser file > 50MB
Oracle XE installation aborts with no error explanation
How to put the select result (column) in an array in PL/SQL
How to return NULL value from Oracle if no record is present
How to pretty format the printing of SQL queries in SQLAlchemy
Python 3.6 with pony 0.7 gives error on commit to oracle db
Sum a record with its previous not-null ordered by timestamp
ORA-28001: The password has expired
Cannot connect to Oracle (oci8) with Apache (FPM). PHP 7.x CLI is OK
How to use Oracle's LISTAGG function with a unique filter?
Installing oci8 on Centos 8 running Apache and php-fpm
Echo sqlplus command without using prompts or scripts
Talend BatchUpdateException not caught while using tOracleOutput
data type changes when using AVG in view definition
Oracle JSON_OBJECT how to have a missing key
Best way to check if SYS_REFCURSOR is empty
How can I remove backslash escaped characters from a string?
Get the minimum value from XML set of nodes using XPath
How to write pandas dataframe to oracle database using to_sql?
How to query the return value of RECORD Type of a Function in oracle-database
Oracle find tablename given an index name