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How to convert rpivotTable result in to dataframe

How to convert rpivotTable result in to dataframe. I want to create new datafrmae with the result of rpivotTable,

Is it possible do in R?

Data Set Like

User     Order_Bin
a          PPL
b          CCD
c          CCD
d          OLP
a          OLP
c          PPL
b          OLP
a          PPL
a          OLP
b          PPL
c          CCD
d          CCD
d          OLP
c          OLP
b          OLP
b          CCD

How to get result of below code as data.frame

  aggregatorName = "Count",
  cols = "Order_Bin",
  rows = "User",
  rendererName = "Heatmap",
  width = "100%",
  height = "1000px")


  • According to the documention of rpivotTable, there is no export facility.

    So, you have to aggregate on your own. One possibility is

    reshape2::dcast(inventory, User ~ Order_Bin, length, margins = TRUE)

    which returns

       User CCD OLP PPL (all)
    1     a   0   2   2     4
    2     b   2   2   1     5
    3     c   2   1   1     4
    4     d   1   2   0     3
    5 (all)   5   7   4    16

    For comparison, here is the output of the pivotTable() call:

    enter image description here

    Please, note the Totals row and column.