Good Day. Does the Pandorabots AIML support complex REGEX? For example, a visitor typed "+1 (555) 123.4567" (only or inside some text) and the chatbot must understand that it's a phone#. Is it possible to use something similar with:
.* (+?\d[.-\s]?\(?\d{3}\)?[.-\s]?\d{3}[.-\s]?\d{4}) .*
GET ONLY -> 1$
If NO - How to correctly detect the phone, email or user name in the user's response.
You can't use REGEX in Pandorabots and will have to write categories yourself to handle this. Here is a basic one that uses the built in set called "number" to recognise phone numbers in the format +1 nnn nnn nnn
<pattern>1 <set>number</set> <set>number</set> <set>number</set></pattern>
<template>Is that a phone number?</template>
You can create new sets yourself to validate input, so an improvement on my basic category would be to have a set of 3 digit numbers to validate against, rather than any numbers.
Similarly, you can check for emails by seeing if there are @ and . characters in the input. Assuming you are using the standard substitutions, you can create a category like this:
<pattern>* AT * DOT *</pattern>
<template>Thanks for your email.</template>