I would like to use Grid computing functionnality of Apache Ignite, but I have a problem with the Java heap space (OutOfMemoryError) when I run my program on two nodes. To illustrate the problem, I propose a simple program which counts the number of words in a String :
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start("C:/Apache-Ignite/config/test-config.xml")) {
IgniteCompute compute = ignite.compute();
String[] elements = "Count characters using callable".repeat(10000).split(" ");
Collection<IgniteCallable<Integer>> calls = new ArrayList<>();
Arrays.stream(elements).forEach(word -> calls.add((IgniteCallable<Integer>) word::length));
IgniteReducer<Integer, Integer> reducer = new IgniteReducer<>() {
private Integer sum = 0;
public boolean collect(Integer integer) {
sum += integer;
return true;
public Integer reduce() {
return sum;
IgniteFuture<Integer> result = compute.callAsync(calls, reducer);
System.out.println("Result : " + result.get());
And the test-config.xml file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<bean id="grid.cfg" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
<property name="peerClassLoadingEnabled" value="true"/>
<property name="dataStorageConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
<!-- Redefining the default region's settings -->
<property name="defaultDataRegionConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
<property name="name" value="Default_Region"/>
<!-- Initial size. -->
<property name="initialSize" value="#{2L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024}"/>
<!-- Maximum size. -->
<property name="maxSize" value="#{2L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024}"/>
enter image description here
When I observe the heap during the progam execution, we can see clearly that the heap reachs his limit. Maybe the garbage collector is locked but I don't know.
In addition, if I run my program on my single local node (start with Ignition.start("...")
), I don't have any problem.
I have just re-tried your case and it seems that callAsync()
performance becomes progressively worse as calls.size()
goes past 5000.
In your case it is ~40000 so you're not going to see the completion of this call even if it does not cause OOM.
Please make sure to split your computes in batches of ~1000 calls. It is actually advised that compute job is substantial, in your case you are going to spend 99% of resources marshalling jobs and their arguments, anyway.
Nevertheless, I will file a ticket about this behavior.