first time When I do all the settings and i run appium-doctor it passes, but next time I restart my macbook and run again.I received these message error not see
My Error :
`WARN AppiumDoctor ✖ ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor ✖ JAVA_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor ✖ adb could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor ✖ android could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor ✖ emulator could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set`
I don't know why it is like this. Please help me fix it T____________T
That's because your shell profile cant read ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME on a fresh start. You have 2 options,
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=${PATH}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/user_name/Android/Sdk
Either use the export command on each shell opening
add ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME to your profile, which depends on your profile.
each shell has its own RC file, like .bashrc
, .zshrc
Recommending the second one