I am imputing missing values within a grouped dataframe.
Inside DF
the missing values are randomized for Var1
& Var2
The dataframe is grouped by variables Factory:MachineNum
The imputation is done by the order of Odometer
within these groupings.
The code works perfectly about 5-10% of the time. The other 90-95% of the time it says;
"Error: Column Impute must be length 50 (the group size) or one, not 49".
I think it may have something to do with the randomness of the missing values. Perhaps when at least 1 row shares 2 missing values.
How can this code be made more robust?
By running the entire code multiple times you will see it works about 5 - 10% of attempts, and the Results
dataframe will eventually be produced.
# Create dataframe with some missing values in Var1 and Var2
DF <- data.frame(Factory = c(replicate(150,"Factory_A"), replicate(150,"Factory_B")),
MachineNum = c(replicate(100,"Machine01"), replicate(100,"Machine02"), replicate(100,"Machine03")),
Odometer = c(replicate(1,sample(1:1000,100,rep=FALSE)), replicate(1,sample(5000:7000,100,rep=FALSE)), replicate(1,sample(10000:11500,100,rep=FALSE))),
Var1 =c(replicate(1, sample(c(2:10, NA), 100, rep = TRUE)), replicate(1, sample(c(15:20, NA), 100, rep = TRUE)), replicate(1, sample(c(18:24, NA), 100, rep = TRUE))),
Var2 = c(replicate(1, sample(c(110:130, NA), 100, rep = TRUE)), replicate(1, sample(c(160:170, NA), 100, rep = TRUE)), replicate(1, sample(c(220:230, NA), 100, rep = TRUE)))
# Variables with missing values that need imputing
cols <- grep('Var', names(DF), value = TRUE)
# Group-wise impution of missing values
Models <- DF %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('Var')) %>%
arrange(Factory, MachineNum, name, Odometer) %>%
group_by(Factory, MachineNum, name) %>%
mutate(Impute = na.stinterp(value, along = time(Odometer), na.rm = TRUE))
# Convert results from long to wide to visually inspect
Results <- Models %>%
group_by(Factory, MachineNum, name) %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = c(value, Impute))
The erorr happens when you have leading and trailing NA
's in a group and since you have na.rm = TRUE
it removes them making the group unbalanced.
If you keep na.rm
it would keep NA
's as NA
and run without error.
DF %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('Var')) %>%
arrange(Factory, MachineNum, name, Odometer) %>%
group_by(Factory, MachineNum, name) %>%
mutate(Impute = na.stinterp(value, along = time(Odometer), na.rm = FALSE))