...I'm using the Mule Salesforce connector (for Mule Runtime 4.4.2) in Anypoint Studio (7.4.2).
The Salesforce query language does not allow the *
operator to gather all keys from an object, so I'm looking for another means to retrieve a sample object and create a model record that I could use for updates and creation.
Using the Task object (documented here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.object_reference.meta/object_reference/sforce_api_objects_task.htm) as an example, I find that the describeLayout()
and retrieve()
methods look promising.
However, when I try to invoke retrieve()
, I'm required to submit a list of fields to retrieve.
I don't see the describeLayout()
method exposed in the connector, so I haven't seen what it returns.
Have I missed a general purpose approach to allow me to gather every field from a sample object?
[edited for clarity]
...so it turns out that the Mule 4 Salesforce connector does support describe SObject
To the Anypoint Studio developer, it shows up like this:
The XML definition offers little further insight.
Update: After further investigation, it turns out that an additional operation needs to be applied using Dataweave to get a simple list of fields. After you have the SObject structure in payload, you will:
This yields an array with the field names.