We are building a service where we do not know what format/codec a video uploaded by a user is in. Due to the nature of the application, we expect input video formats to be very fragmented, diverse and niche. We are currently using FFmpeg to transcode input formats to a consistent output (e.g. mp4).
Due to the above scenario, I would like to establish a general list of what formats and codecs are not currently supported by FFmpeg. This is so I can research other open source video transcoding tools which I can utilise to fill in the gaps and allow our service to be more reliable for the user.
Are there resources online that can help at least get a general idea of what might not be supported by FFmpeg?
Are there resources online that can help at least get a general idea of what might not be supported by FFmpeg?
You'll have to trawl the FFmpeg bug tracker. You are probably looking for a more in-depth answer, but we don't have an official list of currently unsupported formats (including formats that we may not even be aware of).
If you encounter anything unsupported a bug report and samples are always appreciated.