Write a function that takes the function
and the numbern
and returns the list[f n, f (n + 1), f (n + 2), f (n + 3), f (n + 4) ... ]
Here is my solution:
func f n = f n : func f (n+1)
But I'm not sure that it is correct. How can I check my implementation?
You can give a co-inductive proof. Co-inductive reasoning is similar to inductive reasoning, but it allows for "infinite" structures. It's a natural choice for reasoning about things like data streams and infinite lists.
The property you want func
to have is something like
∀ f : Int -> a, ∀ n : Int, ∀ i : Int, (i >= 0 ⟹ (func f n) !! i == f (n + i))
Proving something by co-induction is similar to induction: you assume it as a co-inductive hypothesis for all substructures, and then prove it for the superstructure. Since there is only one definition for func
, there is only only such proof obligation.
This means that, if you could prove
∀ f : Int -> a, ∀ n : Int, ∀ i : Int, (i ≥ 0 ⟹ (func f n) !! i == f (n + i))
∀ f : Int -> a, ∀ n : Int, ∀ i : Int, (i ≥ 0 ⟹ (f n : (func f (n + 1))) !! i == f (n + i))
then you would prove that your function definition is correct.
Since you could actually prove the above statement, your function definition is correct.