I am scraping data from flipkart where I want to scrape all the product's name, price and ratings. So I want to scrape all the required information from all the pages. There are 11 pages in this link: https://www.flipkart.com/mobiles/mi~brand/pr?sid=tyy%2C4io&otracker=nmenu_sub_Electronics_0_Mi So how can I make loop till I reach at end of the pages i.e. till 11th page number.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from itertools import zip_longest
def mxnum():
r = requests.get(
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
for item in soup.findAll("div", {'class': '_2zg3yZ'}):
mxnum = list(item.strings)[0].split(" ")[-1]
return int(mxnum) + 1
mxnum = mxnum()
def Parse():
with requests.Session() as req:
names = []
prices = []
rating = []
for num in range(1, mxnum):
print(f"Extracting Page# {num}")
r = req.get(
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
for name in soup.find_all("div", {'class': '_3wU53n'}):
for price in soup.find_all("div", {'class': '_1vC4OE _2rQ-NK'}):
for rate in soup.find_all("div", {'class': 'hGSR34'}):
for a, b, c in zip_longest(names, prices, rating):
print("Name: {}, Price: {}, Rate: {}".format(a, b, c))