I'm experimenting with pig on the openflights datasets (https://openflights.org/data.html). I'm currently trying to map a query that contains all the unique possible flight routes, i.e. the table below
| Start_Airport | End_Airport |
| YYZ | NYC |
| YBG | YVR |
| AEY | GOH |
And then join both values against a master table which contains the longitude and latitude of each airport. i.e.
| Airport | Latitude | Longitude |
| YYZ | -10.3 | 1.23 |
| YBG | -40.3 | 50.4 |
| AEY | 30.3 | 30.3 |
How would I go about trying to do this? I am essentially trying to have a final table which looks like
| Start_Airport | Latitude | Longitude | End_Airport | Latitude | Longitude |
| YYZ | -10.3 | 1.23 | NYC | blah | blah |
| YBG | -40.3 | 50.4 | YVR | blah | blah |
| AEY | 30.3 | 30.3 | GOH | blah | blah |
I'm currently trying to do as follows, with c being the first table
route_data = JOIN c by (start_airport, end_airport), airports_all by ($0, $0);
I'm thinking this essentially says for the query, join the starting_aiport and the ending_airport against the respective code and then pull through the respective longitude and latitude,
route_data = JOIN c by (start_airport, end_airport), airports_all by ($0, $0);
This is similar to "and" conditions clause of a typical join query in sql world. Imagine below query. Will it yield your desired results. select * from c t1 join airports_all t2 on a.start_airport=b.first_field and a.end_airport=b.first_field; This will bring results only when both start_airport and end_airport are same.
What you desire can be achieved in below way:
cat > routes.txt
cat > airports_all.txt
Pig Code:
tab1 = load '/home/ec2-user/routes.txt' using PigStorage(',') as (start_airport,end_airport);
describe tab1
tab2 = load '/home/ec2-user/airports_all.txt' using PigStorage(',') as (Airport,Latitude,Longitude);
describe tab2
tab3 = JOIN tab1 by (start_airport), tab2 by (Airport);
describe tab3
tab4 = foreach tab3 generate $0 as start_airport, $3 as start_Latitude, $4 as start_Longitude, $1 as end_airport;
describe tab4
tab5 = JOIN tab4 by (end_airport), tab2 by (Airport);
describe tab5
tab6 = foreach tab5 generate $0 as start_airport, $1 as start_Latitude, $2 as start_Longitude, $3 as end_airport, $5 as end_Latitude, $6 as end_Longitude;
describe tab6
dump tab6