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ReportItems Sums by Grouping

I have a data like this Original Data

and i intend to create the output like this Output

I have made the SSRS with Expression for debit like this


and on credit like this


The problem i have was i don't know how to total the report items on debit and credit column. I tried this expression for totaling the debit and credit

=SUM(ReportItems!DebitColumn.Value) =SUM(ReportItems!CreditColumn.Value)

the result is error. Is there an expression or something to total those debet and credit column per group A ?


  • I would do some of this work in SQL, this will make the report simple.

    I started by recreating your sample data and aggregating as follows...

    DECLARE @t TABLE (Group1 char(1), Group2 int, Amount float)
    ('A', 1, 1000),('A', 1, -500),('A', 1, -250),('A', 1, -500),
    ('A', 1, 100),('A', 2, 200),('A', 2, -500),('A', 2, -200),
    ('A', 2, 400),('A', 2, 200),('A', 3, -50),('A', 3, 0)
    SELECT Group1, Group2, SUM(Amount) AS Amount
    FROM @t
        GROUP BY Group1, Group2

    Then in the report I added a matrix with row groups from Group1 and Group2.

    I added a column grouping using the following expression.

    =IIF(Fields!Amount.Value >0, "Debit", "Credit")

    I changed the column group sorting to use the same expression with order Z to A

    Finally, I also set the column header expression to the same expression.

    enter image description here

    I then added a total to the Group1 row group.

    The final output looks like this.

    enter image description here