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Prepared statements with TBS

I'm trying to merge the results of a prepared statement to TBS. Here's my code:

$s = $link->prepare("SELECT * FROM newsletters WHERE newsletter_id = :newsletter_id");
$newsletter = $s->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$tbs->MergeBlock('$newsletter ',  $newsletter );

But I can't get the results fields. I get errors like the following:

TinyButStrong Error in field [newsletter.title...]: item 'title' is not an existing key in the array.

I can't find my error.


  • MergeBlock() is for merging a recordset , so you should use $s->fetchAll() instead of $s->fetch(). The section of the template will be repeated for each record.

    But if you have to merge a standalone record, use MergeField() instead of MergeBlock(). The single fields will be merged one by one without repeating.