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ERROR: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block SQL state: 25001 - Using PostgresSQL and pgAdmin 4

Hi guys I'm stuck on a problem for my first database on Postgres and I cannot find a solution, I tried to see if it was a matter of setting autocommit on but apparently from postgres 9.x it's an inconclusive operation. The documentation suggests that it might be an error on permissions or a full disk. This is the code

CREATE DATABASE datacamp_courses 
OWNER = postgres
LC_COLLATE = 'English_United States.1252'
LC_CTYPE = 'English_United States.1252'
TABLESPACE = pg_default

CREATE TABLE datacamp_courses (
    course_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    course_name VARCHAR (50) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    course_instructor VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
    topic VARCHAR (2) NOT NULL

This is the error :

ERROR:  CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block
SQL state: 25001

Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • Message is self explanatory: you cannot create a database in a transaction.

    You can try to run your statements in psql (CLI) with runs in AUTOCOMMIT by default: it will work but note that the table will be created in current database (by default postgres) which is maybe not what you want. If you want to create a database and a table in this new database you can try:

      create database mydb;
      \connect mydb
      create table test(c int);