I use devextreme grid with a special data source https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/DataGrid/CustomDataSource/React/Light/ parameter "sort", "filter" successfully passed to the backend
In my backend I catch the value:
* sort -> [{"selector": "Id", "desc": true}]
* filter -> ["RoleName", "contains", "test"]
How do i convert :
* sort -> ORDER BY Id DESC
* filter -> RoleName LIKE '%test%'
notes : that is just a simple example in the real case it could be that the string is so complex that I don't want to create its own function.
there is an official github from devextreme, which handles the process from the backend side. but "raw sql" only exists in the php version. must be converted manually to c#
https://github.com/DevExpress/DevExtreme.AspNet.Data https://github.com/DevExpress/DevExtreme-PHP-Data