I need to multiply a lot of vectors beta with the same matrix M.
Let say that the matrix M has the shape (150,7), and that the beta-s are stored in a variable of shape (7,128,128).
How would you compute the product M*beta for every element of beta?
Until know I'm doing like that:
import numpy as np
result=M@(beta.reshape((7,128*128))) # the result has shape (150,128*128)
I'm guessing that np.einsum()
could be useful here, but I don't understand how to tell it on which dimension doing the multiplication/addition.
Here's how you could do this using np.einsum
np.einsum('ij,jkl->ikl', M, beta)
result=M@(beta.reshape((7,128*128))) # the result has shape (150,128*128)
np.allclose(np.einsum('ij,jkl->ikl', M, beta), result)
# True