I am new to Couchbase so need a little help in below n1ql query:
'deptName':'Dept One',
'location':'First Floor'
Output I need is like :
'deptName':'Dept One',
'location':'First Floor'
I tried using Unnest and then using sub query but could not achieve the desired result. May be NEST can help but I dont have much idea, how to use NEST in n1ql.
Please help to achive the desired output.
First you unnest the employees and then group by company, department. Second you do group by company
SELECT d1.companyName, ARRAY_AGG(OBJECT_ADD(dep,"employees", d1.employees)) AS departments
FROM ( SELECT d.companyName, e.deptId, ARRAY_AGG(e) AS employees
FROM default AS d
UNNEST d.employees AS e
WHERE d.type = "company"
GROUP BY d.companyName, e.deptId) AS d1
LET dep = (SELECT RAW d3 FROM default AS d3 USE KEYS d1.deptId)[0]
GROUP BY d1.companyName;