I am trying to execute the below query which was found in my error report.
Error report is generated when we try to run a R package. This error report helps us know where is the error and how it can be reproduced. Upon investigation, I was able to see that it is below query which caused issue while R package execution.
select co.*, p.*,
row_number() over (order by ABS(CHECKSUM(MD5(RANDOM()::TEXT || CLOCK_TIMESTAMP()::TEXT))) % 123456789) rn
from s1.depat co
join s2.person p
on co.subject_id = p.person_id
I understand row_number function is used to generate the row numbers but looks like Postgresql doesn't support all these functions like Checksum
and MD5
I get the below error
ERROR: function checksum(text) does not exist
LINE 2: row_number() over (order by ABS(CHECKSUM(MD5(RANDOM()::TE...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
SQL state: 42883
Character: 54
How can I avoid the above error and make this work in postgresql?
In Postgres, you would use random()
select co.*, p.*,
row_number() over (order by random()) as rn
from s1.depat co join
s2.person p
on co.subject_id = p.person_id;
The use of checksum()
suggests that the query generator thinks you are connected to SQL Server. There is probably a parameter somewhere to let it know to generate valid Postgres code.