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Poetry + Cython + tests (Nosetests)

I use Poetry to build my package with cython extensions. Now I'd like to write tests for it (preferably with nosetest). The problem is that I need to precompile binaries what is usually done with build_clib build_ext --inplace

The best solution for me is to run tests without creating extra .py or .sh files in the directory as I already have It is ok to run tests after installing the package in virtual environment, like it is implemented on the readthedocs server.

I also got familiar with taskipy, so some bash commands in my pyproject.toml are also ok. Any other packages that work with pyproject.toml are welcome.

Maybe there are any hooks for Poetry, as it cythonizes and comiles while creating .whl distribution file.

Any help on this will be appreciated.

UPD Tox looks like suitable tool, but it does not see pyproject.toml while it in the directory. Links to repos with tox and cython in packages or tutorials are extremely welcome.


  • If the extension is part of the distribution, you don't need to do anything besides running poetry install - poetry will build the extensions in-place as part of the editable installation of your project.

    In other cases, you can embed calling distutils commands in your tests as part of suite setup/teardown. I'm not very familiar with nose, but here's a simple example. Imagine I have a fib.pyx (this is an example from the Cython book):

    def fib(long n):
        '''Returns the nth Fibonacci number.'''
        cdef long a=0, b=1, i
        for i in range(n):
            a, b = a + b, a
        return a

    A module that builds the fib library and removes it on tests success:

    from distutils.dist import Distribution
    from distutils.core import Extension
    from pathlib import Path
    from Cython.Build import cythonize
    fib_source = Path('fib.pyx')
    # distutils magic. This is essentially the same as calling
    # python build_ext --inplace
    dist = Distribution(attrs={'ext_modules': cythonize(})
    build_ext_cmd = dist.get_command_obj('build_ext')
    build_ext_cmd.inplace = 1
    fib_obj = Path(build_ext_cmd.get_ext_fullpath(fib_source.stem))
    # the lib was built, so the import will succeed now
    from fib import fib
    def teardown_module():
        # remove built library
        # if you also want to clean the build dir:
        from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree
    # sample tests
    def test_zero():
        assert fib(0) == 0
    def test_ten():
        assert fib(10) == 55

    You are probably customizing the setup_kwargs in the custom To reuse this code, adapt the dist initialization, for example:

    from build import build
    setup_kwargs = {}
    dist = Distribution(attrs=setup_kwargs)

    pytest example

    Things can be organized a lot more conveniently with pytest. Create a file named with the setup/teardown code extracted to hooks:

    from distutils.core import Extension
    from distutils.dist import Distribution
    from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree
    from pathlib import Path
    from Cython.Build import cythonize
    def pytest_sessionstart(session):
        fib_source = Path('fib.pyx')
        dist = Distribution(attrs={'ext_modules': cythonize(})
        build_ext_cmd = dist.get_command_obj('build_ext')
        build_ext_cmd.inplace = 1
        session.fib_obj = Path(build_ext_cmd.get_ext_fullpath(fib_source.stem))
    def pytest_sessionfinish(session):

    Now the tests become a lot cleaner and the setup code is run once for the whole test session. The above tests example, revisited:

    from fib import fib
    def test_zero():
        assert fib(0) == 0
    def test_ten():
        assert fib(10) == 55