How can I convert a big-endian hex-variable = '0x41fe89de'
into a [single]
(float32) variable?
The result has to be 31,8173179626465
I only know the way with [double] "0x41fe89de"
, getting the result 1107200478
# Input: a string representing a number or big-endian byte sequence
# in hexadecimal form.
$hex = '0x41fe89de'
# Convert the hex input string to a byte array.
$byteArray = [byte[]] ($hex -replace '^0x' -split '(..)' -ne '' -replace '^', '0x')
# Convert from big-endian to little-endian, if necessary, by
# reversing the order of the bytes to match the platform's.
if ([BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
# Convert to a platform-native [single] instance.
[BitConverter]::ToSingle($byteArray, 0)
The above yields 31.81732
(with the default output formatting).
The technique used to convert the hex string to a byte array is explained in this answer.
The conversion of the byte array to a platform-native [single]
instance (System.Single
) is performed via the System.BitConverter
must be an exact match for the number of bytes that make up the target type; in this case, 4
bytes are required, because [single]
is a 32
-bit type (4
bytes times 8
bits); if necessary and appropriate, provide an array that is padded with 0
bytes; use an expression such as [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([single] 0)
to determine the required byte count.