I have two going to the same component, but I want to update an attribute of my store.js when I click on each of these .
<router-link :to="'service'" @click="origin(2)"><a class="navigation-links "><i class="fas fa-coins" /> New service </a></router-link>
<router-link :to="'service'" @click="origin(1)"><a class="navigation-links"><i class="fas fa-coins" /> Update service </a></router-link>
The code of function origin is:
function origin(newValue) {
this.$store.commit(SET_ORIGIN, newValue)
But it never has been called and I don't have my store updated
I don't want to have two different url, because for the users it needs to be the same action
I have tested with the event @click.native, but it doesn't work neither
Any suggestions?
Have you tried navigating inside the method after saving your data?
<div @click="origin(2)"></div>
function origin(newValue) {
this.$store.commit(SET_ORIGIN, newValue);
this.$router.replace({ name: "service" });