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Graph - when I am creating event in outlook through microsoft graph api it returns lastModifiedDateTime which changes continuously for some seconds?

First I add event in microsoft outlook through graph api :

The response return is following :


Now I get all events through microsoft graph explorer

The response is following :

    "@odata.etag": "W/\"sdfasfdsadfsdfasdfasfsafsdfs==\"",
    "id": "fsadkfhkashfkahfkhsafd8897979fasdfasfdasf",
    "createdDateTime": "2020-03-04T07:12:35.5486075Z",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-03-04T07:13:21.6715217Z",
    "subject": "Outlook Plugin"

Now compare lastModifiedDateTime of both responses. Why lastModifiedDateTime is changing continuously after saving event in outlook? I want to save lastModifiedDateTime at the time of creating event in outlook into my database so that I can compare it when I sync events another time.


  • Based on my test, lastModifiedDateTime will have a small change after you successfully created the event. I think it's because the background data is still not processed at this time.

    But after you get the second lastModifiedDateTime, it won't change any more until you modify the event.

    So you need to make sure that no changes happen in this event.